A meeting place

In a spiritual perspective!

If God created the world, she (God) was certainly involved when the universe was created and it wasn’t a few thousand years ago.

Please correct me if I’m wrong, but most religious scriptures are a couple of thousand years old, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were written a few hundred years before our era, which started with 0 years. The Old Testament was written about 900 years before the era 0. And the New Testament maybe around 58-130 years AD

But creation is many many thousands of years older than that.

In other words, the miracle of life began millions of years ago with its miracle!!!

So which God created life?

200,000 years ago, according to modern research, a change has been found in our DNA 🧬 that indicates that man was humiliated and has been the same in creation since then.

In my world, the creator and creator is the god of life.

I don’t want to diminish anyone else’s faith or religion, I really respect and also enjoy diversity 👉🙏❤️

So these are my own thoughts on what a meeting place could look like without the tools of power perfection.

If I had to build a temple on mother earth, it would be a building with our fantastic universe on the roof, maybe a glass dome, a bright room with gently sloping walls outward. Like a flower that opens with the feeling of eternity.

Instead of a nailed god on a torture device (very sad) I would want light-filled crystals that give off mirrors of light which in turn is a symbol that created the possibility of life.

There would be a small pond with running water at the light altar that symbolized the source of life.

”No water no life”

So the light and water in the center.

Outside the spiritual hall, culture would have its place with rooms for dance, music, art, philosophy, etc.

A place that rumbled with the good things of life.

A café (meeting place) with only good ingredients without man’s genetically modified or sprayed products.

The sermons would only be given by people who have done good things in our world.

For example, lectures on various subjects from the past, present and future.

Everything to inspire and give strength and desire for life.

No condemnation or blaming people, no guidelines other than the effort to understand and make the truth visible.

We already have so many images of God that both neglect women and put men first. We are humans, we are neither men nor women. God would probably not want to elevate one above the other, since only the existence of both makes man possible.

You see ruling images of God that first and foremost demand an omission.

Is this how one would want to raise one’s children in the name of love, with submission and oppression?

Some images of God also threaten hell.

Yes, then one can begin to wonder what kind of gods are worshipped.

Life itself is a miracle and it is enough to understand that we live in a miracle where reverence, respect and love should have their place in the first place.

But as long as the actions of darkness are justified by an illusion without being questioned, the destructive actions that destroy and annihilate continue before our blind eyes.

So a bright place that inspires and gives space for questioning, creation, a place where new insights about our existence are given space to emerge. Where the history of our world is questioned so that new doors can be opened and give space with understanding about mother earth and our history.

A temple that gives energy, hope and cultivation about our globe where 100% transparency is taken.

A place that only requires respect, peace, love, understanding and at the same time highlights

” the question and the answer ” under understanding conditions.

A place that promotes growth in our minds, where one can grow and develop together with people’s different puzzle pieces in the miracle of creation.

Where power is destroyed and freedom opens its arms.

I am sure that the God of love is not condemnatory and thus allows the good seeds to grow in her garden without hierarchy or power perfection.

In other words, a divine temple where people are allowed to have their own path to the divine.

The most divine temple of all has already been handed out to us when we entered this earthly life! where the soul has its dwelling!!!

Why all these thoughts?

Yes, when the question appears in the thoughts about our existence, questions are created that lead to new questions. The question marks are lined up to be straightened, yes, then it breeds interest and inspiration, if nothing else in myself.

Just a breath and a thought in the world upside down !!!

Spreading thoughts is like water and where the earth is fertile it grows.


* Peace starts with friendship

* Make the world a better place

* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding

* I see evil as undeveloped


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