Nostalgia Gala in Kungsbacka Theatre.
Short clip from the Nostalgia gala at Kungsbacka theatre!
On the bass there was a short piece from the Tuscan Opera, specifically E Luceven Le Stelle.
Many thanks to Royne Nilsson, who with his 85 years runs this Nostalgia radio and gala!
You make a difference and allow the diversity of music to have a place on the air, something that otherwise shines with its absence on most other radio stations.
Also big thanks to Pepperland and Zeizz!
Filmed by Pernilla Acar Boström 👉🙏.

* Peace starts with friendship
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* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding
* I see evil as undeveloped
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I am an Ambassador for an attempt at spiritual maturity
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