2 faces in life
To face your 2 possible faces!
One side leads towards the light and love and the other side blinds via the magnetic attraction that sucks in and blunts in the corridors of darkness through egoism, fear and lack of questioning?
Who is who behind these faces?
The frequencies of love that create desire and freshness or the destructive frequencies created by fear, stress, hatred and condemnation.
The quote from the fairy tale world “Harry Potter”
: You can choose the easy way or the right way.
The truths of fairy tales sometimes have greater wisdom and prudence than you can believe.
Reality shines through between the draperies of illusions and the truth that the news on TV / media offers you!
It often lacks objectivity and sadly forces both condemnation and hatred, destructiveness, cracking and frighteningly even annihilation (war). A hypnosis called PK = politically correct which is the opposite of democracy.
Think before you choose what you yourself should think.
So you don’t think what others think you should think!!!
A way to exist with pride or lose your self-respect and sadly disappear into the blind mass 😢 in an empty justification!
* Peace starts with friendship
* Make the world a better place
* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding
* I see evil as undeveloped