Green Cross
My love for mother Earth!
Yesterday we had a board meeting with Green Cross
which is a p.e.a.c.e organization for us who live on mother earth.
If you wish to support and become a member to fight / support for a healthy world, there is, among other things,
You are very welcome 👉❤️ to become a member.
P.e.a.c.e on Mother Earth
We also showed the film of about 12 minutes that we did with The of Life Tour in the Rainforests / Brazil 2023. Premiere in April I think.
Indirectly, we have connected to an opportunity to possibly plant 100,000 trees via Green Cross in this part of the world together with the natural people / tribes that live there.
Magnus Rosen – Ambassador for Green Cross
The earth is not an evil place, but some people’s actions are evil and spread through unquestioning people.
Make the world a better place
Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding
Questions give knowledge
Free s.p.e.e.c.h gives a F.r.e.e World
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