Between fairy tale and reality

The wall between the fairy tale and reality is sometimes as thin as a hair!

Love blooms where evil has not gained a foothold.

The platform of love is not self-evident but must always be nurtured, therefore both the light and the dark must be made visible.

If you turn a blind eye to the destructive forces that frighten us so much, this spreads like wildfire.

The tools and wisdom of goodness are communication, understanding and respect under the umbrella of love ☂️!

The light and goodness is not to fight, w.a.r, smear or belittle anyone. So already there we can see through the machinery of darkness.

Yes, we all have a responsibility, whether it is convenient or inconvenient, if we are to hand over a healthy civilization to our descendants.

Only out of consideration and to make room for a bright future in peace and equality, I write my texts in case anyone wonders.

I don’t care if politics is a little right or left twisted as everyone has a place in a healthy society, but I care a lot about the human rights and obligations to preserve such a society. Everyone’s equal value and our integrity must be constantly protected, otherwise we lose these rights as the machinery of darkness is obsessed with absolute power.

A healthy society as I see it should be transparent so the people who have elected representatives should always be open to the public. All cover-up and all censorship before the people should be prohibited in an open democratic society.

On the other hand, you are transparent and create trust and you have the opportunity to influence or you deceive those you represent!

The bottom line from my heart is Love Peace and Understanding. 🫶


* Peace begins with friendship

* Make the world a better place

* Love, p.e.a.c.e & understanding

* I see evil as undeveloped

I am an ambassador for RNS – National Union of Stations: A Drug-Free Society

Magnus Rosén – Ambassador for the Green Cross

P.e.a.c.e on Mother Earth


I am an ambassador for RSK riksförbund stop men’s violence against women

I am an ambassador for an attempt at spiritual maturity

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