The World between Lights and Darkness
To see the darkness is to see and be able to prepare the way for the light!
What is our time really about when we see the world transformed between light and darkness!
As I see it, it is the choice between good and evil, divine and devilish.
The same situation today as our historical documents from 1000 years ago where it was written and documented about good versus evil.
As I see it, it is not about right or left politics, nor about cultures or different religions.
We are all brothers and sisters, whether we think this or that!
The cover can be white, but the content is black!!!
This “pig in the sack” symbolic way can be avoided with “questioning”
An ongoing change of the bright, good constructive versus our ill-considered choices where the dark destructive, undeveloped and evil grows.
Here the dark forces use illusions, allurements with the sweetness of mammon = (economic gain) power, glory and to some extent celebrity. This creates a world of absolute power with a few at the top and the rest of the people who have gotten lost in this power structure with all that it entails. This is where humanity has sadly forgotten to ”question” our direction of travel.
Here development has no limits, and today we see that this is what it is all about first and foremost. Power, dominance with tools such as military equipment, banking structures with total control, laws that reduce people’s right to free speech. A more undemocratic rule emerges in the belief that the illusion is the truth and the good.
Censored opinions and also censored truths.
Here we lose the right to a free and secure society.
Anything that takes power from the people is justified.
A world where everyone is considered a potential criminal, with the justification of a falsely secure society. This is where human rights fall and instead people are imprisoned in a digital system that a few control.
But the light has the truth, love, animals and nature. But it requires an awakening, an inner awareness, a humanism that stands against the destructive illusion. This can make our world a possible paradise. Here the soul can be encouraged and grow into the clarity of the light and the possibility of a good sustainable future. A regulated technical development with responsibility for life on earth, where all living things are always put first as a companion and a guideline.
This is where life has the opportunity for its own value and freedom.
Yes, this is what I see happening in our world.
My own belief in the possibility of humans to use their intelligence and goodness to create the conditions for a good free world.
This through sensible prevention instead of judging and belittling humans.
These values and reflections are my guiding light into the future.
So I make a conscious choice and support the light.
And if I can, I want to raise people who work or contribute to support vulnerable people and so also choices that lead to justice in a peaceful world.
* Peace starts with friendship
* Make the world a better place
* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding
* I see evil as undeveloped
Photo Bengt Persson
I am an Ambassador for RNS – National Association for a Drug-Free Society
Magnus Rosén – Ambassador for Green Cross
P.e.a.c.e on Mother Earth
I am an Ambassador for RSK National Association for Stopping Men’s Violence Against Women
I am an Ambassador for an attempt at spiritual maturity
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