A movie!

I’m on a film shoot 🎬 which feels very exciting. I can’t say what kind of film it is, 🎥 but I can say that it’s a kind of mixed documentary and feature film of about 100 minutes. It’s fun to look into this industry and participate in a corner! I’ll stay here for a…

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Our direction!

To look into the future is to understand the course of events in our magically wonderful but also frightening world! Joy is the opposite of fear and sadness.Here there are 2 spirals as I see it. One goes down into the destructive and here bigotry, hatred, contempt, revenge, power, war, etc. are born The second…

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New Adventure!

I’m so grateful and happy!Just wanted to say this!😊🙃 Summer is coming soon☀️ Tjoohoooooooooooooo👉❤️🙏 But before the heat comes, first of all there will be no trucks or music for 2 weeks, but now there will be other types of adventures 🫣 Something I’ve never done before!!! 😅I don’t know if I’m allowed to say…

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Mikael & Magnus

Mikael Erlandsson & Magnus Rosén besöker Alingsås den 18 april! Hjärtligt välkommen 👉❤️☀️ PlatsRingströms RestaurangKungsgatan 29, 441 34 AlingsåsDatum18 apr 2025 19:00 – 19 apr 2025 00:00 Förköp: Magnus * Peace starts with friendship* Make the world a better place* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding* I see evil as undeveloped Jag är Ambassadör för RNS –…

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It happen in the forest!!!

A Chinese film crew visited me last winter.Got power for my bass amplifier directly from the hybrid car.It generated the opportunity to rock out in -3 c outside in nature / Romelanda forests.Maybe nicer to rock indoors, but a fun thing if nothing else. It became a commercial for the Chinese car Leapmotor which will…

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South America

It’s been more than 20 years since I was in the Farewells (ghettos) in South America for the first time! I think this card is so beautiful! It’s in Peru / Lima! So many beautiful people 👉❤️ Using music as a tool for humanism really feels like the best calling you can have and at…

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