Soon its ready for thew road!

To recycle things is to enjoy history, to use what was once taken from mother earth. With modern new inventions, as in my case, you can also reduce both petrol consumption and exhaust gases. A charming and personal way instead of just buying new, where quality is sadly often conspicuous by its absence. The consumer…

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My book now in English

This could possibly be a tip for a Christmas present: ”The base of my heart” Here are some more pictures from my book release of the English edition. Such good food from Tony and Agneta – Gullbringa Golfklubb’s restaurant. The nicest guests who came by and not least the Avelibooks book publisher who publishes the…

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The Bass of my Heart

Först vill jag tacka dom mycket trevliga gästerna som dök upp i dag på mitt boksläpp ang den Engelska upplagan ” The Bass of My Heart ”Hatten av till Avelibooks bokförlag sist men inte minst Tony och Agneta – Gullbringa golf restaurang som bjöd på bubbel och snittar samt ett utsökt Julbord 5 stjärnor ⭐️…

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Min bok släpps i dag på Engelska

Önskas en Söndagsutflykt i dag den 8 december kl 15.00, så hjärtligt välkommen till öppet hus. Fira tillsammans med oss under en magisk eftermiddag fylld av musik, berättelser och julens härligaste smaker.Vi kombinerar bokrelease med möjligheten att boka in dig på ett klassiskt julbord och samtidigt köpa årets julklapp – en signerad kopia av ”The…

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As Christmas approaches!!! Today I enjoyed and made my last of my 5 secret guest appearances with my 7 minute short bass solo at the Angel Lights Christmas show! We have visited Kristianstad, Jönköping, Örgrytekyrkan twice in Gothenburg, as well as the Old Auction House’s cultural premises on 3e långgatan in Gothenburg. Hats off 🎩…

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What happened with us humans ?

I was not allowed to put a sad child out of the war, but we must support the war without understanding and seeing what war means. This is our new democratic censored society.Isn’t it time to open those beautiful eyes? Anyone who believes that peace is the wrong path and that war is the right…

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