Intressant tillvägagångssätt !!!

Jag fick p böter i Kungsbacka av kommunens p vakter fast jag hade betalt och kunde uppvisa kvitto!!! Jag är säker på att många med mig har haft liknade problematik i denna kommun. Därför skrev jag till kommunfullmäktige för ca 3 veckor sedan utan svar!!! Samt till Kungsbacka posten och en polisanmälan är inlämnad. Kommunen…

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A meeting place

In a spiritual perspective! If God created the world, she (God) was certainly involved when the universe was created and it wasn’t a few thousand years ago. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but most religious scriptures are a couple of thousand years old, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were written a few…

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So Sweet!!!

My favorite relative in Canada, fairy tale princess Elma had built a Lego Magnus! Makes my little heart so warm. ♥️ Magnus * Peace starts with friendship * Make the world a better place * Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding * I see evil as undeveloped I am an Ambassador for RNS – National Association for…

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year most beautiful people 👉❤️ 2025 I wish will be the year of love, health and peace. This banner will, if nothing else, characterize my year. Its time to Rock the World Again. 👉❤️🤘 Magnus * Peace starts with friendship * Make the world a better place * Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding *…

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Bruce Dickinson & Magnus Rosén

Its time to Rock the World Again !!!! Magnus * Peace starts with friendship* Make the world a better place* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding* I see evil as undeveloped I am an Ambassador for RNS – National Association for a Drug-Free Society Magnus Rosén – Ambassador for Green CrossP.e.a.c.e on Mother EarthGreen-Cross I am…

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Bai Bang!

Bai Bang on tour in Buenos Aires / Argentina!When we make the subway unsafe 😜One ​​of many great memories from 2024. Its time to Rock the World Again 2025 Magnus * Peace starts with friendship* Make the world a better place* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding* I see evil as undeveloped www.baibang @followers @all @everyone…

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