God and Evil in a confused World
Have you considered that the magical puzzle that gives you a picture of the real one really requires pieces of the puzzle 🧩 that can be obtained by questioning and discussing. In all situations with respect and trying to understand otherwise these doors are closed, as no one wants to discuss with someone who thinks they know everything.
The front of the dream with the back of abuse of power on the same coin.
Have you thought about where the Kings and Princesses got their riches from?
Have you considered that they still get their wealth from the people?!
In the form of tax money!
Have you thought about why there are so many fairy tales about Kings, Princes, Queens and Princesses whose purpose is to beautify this perfection of power !!??
Yes, it’s worth thinking about a bit.
Did you know that there are, among other things, 3 democratic countries in the world that act most undemocratically and oppressively against their own people despite their flag of democracy and free speech.
This has become clearer in the last few years from the end of 2019 to today.
These countries are located in different continents but have a common denominator.
And that is their royal house.
Those who only watch Swedish news may not know what I’m talking about.
I don’t point this out to be judgmental but more out of fascination with how reality looks!
One might ask if there are still power structures with roots from the past behind the facade that is planted for us ordinary people?
When you start to lift different stones and when you start to question, new very interesting points of view arise.
There is an old sentence from Roman times that reads, bread and spectacle for the people!
The gifts became a way to distract the lower classes from prevailing social problems and the opulence of the upper classes.
Distortion of the truth is in the toolbox of the dark souls!
Something that is always good to pay attention to as this is how the dark souls become visible through their glittering facades.
There are more power perfections in the world who dress in the colors of light, who have taken people’s money and at the same time oppressed man.
When you start seeing these silhouettes, the good and the bad become very clear.
The illusion also gets its name clarified!
Of course, this does not apply to all structures and people in these layers, but the roots apparently still matter today and it is a bit interesting.
How do these pieces of the puzzle help the common man?
It only helps those who care.
To see the art of light and dark, good and evil a little more clearly in our world. It helps to understand where we have come to for a planet with our souls!
The earth is not an evil place, but some people’s actions are evil and spread through unquestioning people.
* Peace starts with friendship
* Make the world a better place
* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding
* I see evil as undeveloped
I am an Ambassador for RNS – the National Union of Stations: A Narcotic-Free Society
Magnus Rosén – Ambassador for Green Cross
P.e.a.c.e on Mother Earth
Green-Cross www.green-cross.se
I am an Ambassador for RSK national association stop men’s violence against women
I am an Ambassador for an attempt at spiritual maturity
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