Our song Hearts On Fire which we released in the glory days of Hammerfall has been viewed more than 30 million times on ( youtube )
Over 83 million have listened to ( spotify )
It’s not that bad😀.
Here is the new remastered version on video with
Hearts on Fire https://youtu.be/htKY2oD85rs?si=RVmOa0wd_UYNRLxy
But now it’s Bai Bang who is in charge with an upcoming record that will be the band’s 10th album
www.baibang.se Yiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee 👉❤️🤘
Also enjoying our albums with Autumns Child 🫶🤘 so also with M.R.B
Its time to Rock the World Again.
The earth is not an evil place, but the actions of some people are evil and are spread through unquestioning people.
Make the world a better place
Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding
Questions give knowledge
Free s.p.e.e.c.h gives a F.r.e.e World
Magnus Rosen – Ambassador for Green Cross
Green-Cross www.green-cross.se
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