If you are faced with a road choice or thousands of road choices that you make during life’s journey 🧳 which road is right ✅ and which road is wrong?
It probably all depends on why you choose a particular path.
Is it due to maturity or immaturity?
Life experience gives an opportunity to see, evaluate from different perspectives where you make different choices than the ones you made when you were younger in many cases.
Can the wrong choice be the right choice if you look at it from a development perspective?
The choices often depend on:
What do you have in your own backpack?
What wood is it made of?
Talents of various kinds.
Is it the confirmation you want from other people, or does it feel great to be able to confirm other people?
No one in particular is in the middle or at the center of all people, but everyone is at the center from different perspectives.
Could it be that the dynamics provide a balance where you and others are at the center at the same time, as obvious as a breath where you draw in air then exhale, 2 completely different functions that go hand in hand and provide a balance.
Always needing to be confirmed is poor and undeveloped.
But being able to be in the middle and also be able to give others a place is rich and developed, as I see it, without feeling left out.
The joy of being able to elevate other people but also being able to value oneself is both gallant and neat
but above all important.
The balance is the golden way as I see it.
One thing is certain, if you make other people visible, it is easy to be liked.
If you only see yourself, the result is usually the opposite.
Does your mouth spread darkness or light?
Is it constructive or destructive.
Here, opportunities for future elections are opened or closed in a chain reaction.
So the right choice ✅ may be easier to make if you are objective and questioning, both towards yourself and others! It probably applies to most things, everything from everyday things to p.o.l.i.t.i.s.k.a elections.
A localization in the miracle of life! 👉❤️🙏