My lectures!

This wonderful cultural Tuesday in Lilla Edets Kulturhus.

The morning started with a lecture for schoolchildren in Lilla Edet, radio P4 was there and Ale kuriren.

The best and finest schoolchildren listened to my lecture Dreams Visions and Faith in the Future.

They give me faith in the future👉🙏

At 6:30 pm I gave another lecture to the public. I think there were about 60 people who came.

I also sold some books and records which felt like further proof that the evening was appreciated.

As I said, a big thank you to the audience today, as well as the fine staff at Lilla Edets Kulturhus.

And a big thank you also to Ale Kuriren and Radio väst P4



Photo Bengt Persson

* Peace starts with friendship

* Make the world a better place

* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding

* I see evil as undeveloped

I am an Ambassador for RNS – Riksförbundet Narkotikafritt Samhälle

Magnus Rosén – Ambassador for Green Cross

P.e.a.c.e on Mother Earth


I am an Ambassador for RSK riksförbundet stoppa mäns våld mot kvinnor

I am an Ambassador for an attempt to a spiritual maturity

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#magnusrosen #ebs #factorbasses #hardrock

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