My mother and i

I’m not fishing for empathy for my dear mother, but I want to show that our humanism is beginning to fray at the edges. It is no longer about caring, understanding and love in our system. Maybe it is time to open the beautiful eyes we have been given and look behind the curtain of illusion.

I would like to both praise the home care but give rice to the administration that sets the guidelines for our dear elderly.

Many who, in addition to a low pension, have their pets which mean a lot.
A little life that exists in their home that maybe makes the spark of life and also the location in reality work.
We are human beings and need care, love and understanding towards each other.
This is what a healthy healthy society should look like.

My old mother has a cat to which she returns daily about the importance and significance.
Just that she has this little life by her side.

If you are old and have difficulty getting out yourself, home becomes your whole life.

I would like to praise the home service, which does a fantastic job despite its short time at each visit.
But those who decided how time should be distributed do not seem to be people with knowledge of either the human being or the care / help for the elderly.

If you want to allocate your short 15 minutes for a walk as an example, you must apply for this.
If you have a pet like my mother, a small cat, you can’t ask the domestic service to empty the litter box when they take the garbage, even though the way out is by the litter box.

If you are to have this help, you must apply for it. In this case, I have called the home service, and been told that they do not have the right to grant this, so I have then been referred higher up in the hierarchy. There they can’t make a decision about the litter box either, as it takes about 1 minute to empty it. But then they must send out a form to my mother which must then be filled in. It is about 10 miles round trip for me, which I happily do for my dear mother.
But whether it is environmentally friendly or not is for someone else to decide.

Then I fill in the papers, go to the post office and send it all off.

A month or so later, I receive a call from the social secretary that the decision has been rejected.

You will be asked to make an appeal, which means that they will send out a new form. I travel another 10 miles to fill out the appeal so that my old mother will have the opportunity to keep her cat and empty the litter box.

An animal especially for an elderly person but also for both younger and middle-aged people can mean the light and joy in life!

Isn’t it right that we have a humanistic society that is based on security and well-being.

The time should come to start caring about each other where understanding and consideration become the guidelines in a society for humans.
Of course and always with the framework of human rights.

Surely this shouldn’t be too much to ask of our elected politicians who say they care so much about people / society’s residents?
That’s probably why they’re in a political position, you’d like to believe. 🙄 hm

Love my mother and am sure that many of us feel powerless in the face of our own system which is supposed to be just for us residents.

A powerless son.
Sincerely, Magnus Rosén

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