My thoughts !
I’m breaking free, at least as best as I can.
There is someone who likes to control our choices and that includes mammon! (yes, fear is also something you have to watch out for)
Mammon can make us become slaves to the dead things, the lure of having more and more. Latest model of things, cars, kitchen utensils, etc.
I am working on myself so my free time is most important, that I choose how my precious time is spent here on our beautiful planet.
Ex to be able to sit with my friends over a cup and philosophize and enjoy life instead of working myself to death with something that only enriches in money.
Mammon has a strong pull on many of us, but I don’t want it in my life.
Many of us have probably felt that temptation at some point, or far too many times.
I want to choose from my heart not from the lure of having more and more.
You can have stuff, but not at any price!
Actually started these choices quite a while ago when I quit Hammerfall. I had never been paid as well as with that band.
But there are greater values in life if you manage to free yourself.
Yes, you have to be able to afford your bills, and some people don’t even have that. Those fox scissors are not fun to get stuck in.
Whether you can afford it without being a slave to mammon is one thing.
But selling almost all of your time just to have more dead stuff is another matter!
My thinking is against the whole system where people are told to buy themselves happiness.
Personally, I get happy with a nice comment, interesting conversations or a wonderful experience in the emotions.
Yes, experiences can sometimes cost money.
But never being satisfied, never getting enough can easily become a trap.
I’m not telling others what to do or think, but just sharing my own thinking.
Many times mammon casts a spell on us, blinding us to what life is really about.
Life is an invitation to a miracle. Here are experiences that can enrich in different ways or where dead things enchant us into slaves through their magnetic attraction.
Want to live life with harmony, curiosity and gratitude
The picture is one of many wonderful encounters in life.
This was with Jute minister in Bangladesh 🇧🇩 and its government with Juteborg ab for which I am Ambassador!
(the company stands for long-termism and sustainable development)
* Peace starts with friendship
* Make the world a better place
* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding
* I see evil as undeveloped
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