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On the way to the future with the Christmas station!
The years fly by, so does time, which is perhaps the most valuable thing we have.
Enjoying the diversity that is served is not always so easy.
At least I know a few things that I will take with me on the rest of the journey.
It is the music, the peace and a bag of thoughts that help me try to understand our world and existence.
The security that is so comfortable must come from within, I have learned along the way.
So let’s see where our choices take us.
One thing is certain and that is that the future begins tomorrow.
Wishing you a good Christmas craft day!
P.s 👉🎄
Life is magic in a miracle where the light always shines for those who wish and affirm the warmth and security in their heart.
* Peace starts with friendship
* Make the world a better place
* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding
* I see evil as undeveloped
I am an Ambassador for RNS – National Association for a Drug-Free Society
Magnus Rosén – Ambassador for Green Cross
P.e.a.c.e on Mother Earth
I am an Ambassador for the RSK national association to stop men’s violence against women
I am an Ambassador for an attempt at spiritual maturity
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