Our direction!

To look into the future is to understand the course of events in our magically wonderful but also frightening world!

Joy is the opposite of fear and sadness.
Here there are 2 spirals as I see it.

One goes down into the destructive and here bigotry, hatred, contempt, revenge, power, war, etc. are born

The second spiral goes up into constructive solutions, love, understanding, friendship, bridge building, respect, peace, etc.

The first will lead as I see it to destruction, and that is the test of our time.
The second creates a beautiful long-term future here on mother earth.

What is needed is to start questioning, rubbing yourself in the eyes so that you don’t just follow, but that you actually try to think for yourself!!
To start asking yourself ”Why” is this happening? The perfection of power does not happen by chance but is calculated by getting as many people as possible on board.
But there is a possible possibility to see through the illusion that the perfection of power has created through precisely questioning!

Just look at human history, there we see how people have always been subdued and deceived by the perfection of power, and sadly it is the same today.

In the past, it was Kings and Religions who held the magic and black evil stick of power = Crucifixions, witch burnings, slaves, etc.

Then came the ”theater” of the Riksdag that now rules in our time by making people believe that we live in a democracy.
¨Every year, freedom is taken away from us more and more through digital economic shackles, deteriorating living conditions, censorship of opinions, insecurity and at the same time the gaps in society are increasing. This is done with a wet cold blanket of fears.
If it’s not pandemics, it’s war or almost civil war with shootings, explosions and underlying power structures in our Western society.

I myself want to step out of the darkness into the light with peace and love.
You do that as I see it with desire but also demands on our Western system.

The darkness will fall when the light rises and the shadows can no longer hide.

Which path do you want to take?
And what choices will get you there?
Something you can ask yourself if nothing else.

Just being silent is = acceptance.
Discussing constructively with respect creates bridge building and possibly friendship which provides a path towards a better world!

Final words: Sweden should work for peace absolutely not for war!!!!! It’s wise, wise and intelligent!!!


* Peace starts with friendship
* Make the world a better place
* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding
* I see evil as undeveloped

I am an Ambassador for RNS – National Association for a Drug-Free Society

Magnus Rosén – Ambassador for Green Cross
P.e.a.c.e on Mother Earth
Green-Cross www.green-cross.se

I am an Ambassador for the RSK national association to stop men’s violence against women

I am an Ambassador for an attempt at spiritual maturity


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