
Bai Bang
More good news 🥳🤘🍻Our 80s evening gets another magical addition, with a band that has actually been playing since the 80s itself, and that is still releasing brand new records with the same ös! We are of course talking about none other than Bai Bang!!Höganäs Brewery The boys are an obvious piece of the puzzle…

The 3 keys
In the thin line between philosophy and reality. The 3 keys: Objectivity and Perspective and the word ”Why” If you have lost your way and lost your energy, the proof for yourself is a lack of objectivity, perspective and a non-questioning mindset. Then perhaps these are the 3 most important keys to understanding society’s misleading…

Plans and reflections
Plans and reflections on what lies ahead in time. Right here is the Brazilian Embassy visit for which guidelines are being drawn. Culture is the platform, music the toolAnd a peaceful world for and with man is our mission. An opposition to these doomsday prophecies that demand a submission to the perfection of power! So…

A nice evening!
Magnus Rosén & Mikael Erlandsson! Make the world a better placeLove, p.e.a.c.e & UnderstandingQuestions give knowledgeFree s.p.e.e.c.h gives a F.r.e.e World. Magnus Rosen – Ambassador for Green CrossP.e.a.c.e on Mother EarthGreen-Cross @followers @all @everyone #bahiarock #brazil @följare #baibang#allfollowers #avelibooks #alibris #basenimitthjärta #ebs #mikaelerlandsson#proudandjoy #magnusrosen#magnusrosen #ebs #factorbasses #hardrock#rock #rockmusic #glamrock

Wish you a nice weekend!p.sThe beauty you see in others is a reflection of yourself! Make the world a better placeLove, p.e.a.c.e & UnderstandingQuestions give knowledgeFree s.p.e.e.c.h gives a F.r.e.e World. Magnus Rosen – Ambassador for Green CrossP.e.a.c.e on Mother EarthGreen-Cross @followers @all @everyone #bahiarock #brazil @följare #baibang #sverigesriksdag #nyheterna#allfollowers #avelibooks #alibris #basenimitthjärta #ebs…

Goodness is stately and elegant
Goodness is stately and elegant. Managing to balance on the path of goodness is powerful and admirable! Goodness has nothing to do with titles, money, celebrity, professions, abilities, strength, politics, or other power structures. A good action is unselfish, it is caring and loving without demanding anything in return. A win-win situation can fulfill goodness.And…