
Bai Bang goes home from England
Yes now we leave England and the Festival HRH with Bai Bang and take off our hats for this time! A very successful and pleasant festival with the best sound, the nicest staff and not least the wonderful audience, and not to forget all the awesome bands that performed! 👉❤️🤘. Many thanks 🙏 🥰 Make…

Bai Bang lämnar England
Ja nu lämnar vi England och Festivalen HRH med Bai Bang och lyfter på hatten för denna gång! En mycket lyckad och trevlig festival med bästa ljudet, finaste personalen och inte minst den underbara publiken, samt att inte förglömma alla grymma band som uppträtt! 👉❤️🤘. Stort tack 🙏 🥰 Make the world a better place…

Bai Bang Concert
Then we rocked 2 concerts today in England with Bai Bang 💥. Wonderfully.Thanks for a great gig in front of a fantastic audience! Make the world a better placeLove, p.e.a.c.e & UnderstandingQuestions give knowledgeFree s.p.e.e.c.h gives a F.r.e.e World. Magnus Rosen – Ambassador for Green CrossP.e.a.c.e on Mother Earth Green-Cross @followers @all @everyone…

Bai Bang to England
Heading to England with Bai Bang 💥! Waiting for our flight! Its time to Rock! 👉❤️🤘. Also want to take the opportunity to pay tribute to the wonderful woman on Women’s Day! Without her magic that transforms pleasure into life, we would not be here on mother earthThank you 🙏 Make the world a better…

Philosophical insight
A philosophical insight can be easy or difficult to decipher depending on who the reader is in relation to the person philosophizing! The desire for the day with the candle in hand.The humility to not understand but the desire to realize the importance of time and space where love gives life.Influencing is good if the…

Bai Bang – England
Maybe see you at HRH in England this weekend!!!Bai Bang 💥 on Stage !!! Make the world a better placeLove, p.e.a.c.e & UnderstandingQuestions give knowledgeFree s.p.e.e.c.h gives a F.r.e.e World. Magnus Rosen – Ambassador for Green CrossP.e.a.c.e on Mother Earth Green-Cross @followers @all @everyone #bahiarock #brazil @följare #baibang #sverigesriksdag #nyheterna#allfollowers #avelibooks #alibris #greencross…