The key is the question

There are eerie attempts in our history of a 3rd Reich.
In other words, a perfection of power, a type of global governance! g.l.o.b.a.l.i.z.a.t.i.o.n
How can a functioning society cause people to be so thoroughly deceived as to believe in total change without questioning?
History shows this to have happened time and time again.
But what have we learned from this??? Hmm 🤨
Everyone has probably heard about the emperor’s new clothes, an illusion based on unquestioning people!!!!!!!!
When the objective news is blurred, the danger ⚠️ is just around the corner and the dark machinery is in full swing with an execution that no normal person wants.
It is so easy but at the same time so difficult to understand that questioning is the key out of the illusion.
But now we judge and hang people who question and wonder about how and why, and this is for everyone’s good! 👉❤️🙏
If the awakening is to take place, it is probably high time for this now!
The basic pillars are truth, morality, ethics, love, openness so that everyone can understand human rights and free speech.
This is fundamental for a beautiful and healthy society. If you start to hesitate before this, the Illusion is about to become perfect.
When you believe because of fear, for example, that support w.a.r is the rescue, in other words to believe that mass death of innocent people is an alternative from the good and bright side (so to speak), well then it is high time to think.🤔
Love ❤️ Peace ✌️ understanding 🙏
* Peace starts with friendship
* Make the world a better place
* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding
* I see evil as undeveloped