Trust your own mind!
There’s a lot we say we don’t understand when it comes to the p.o.l.i.t.i.c.a.l acting.
What if this is precisely the purpose for enforcing something that is not in harmony with the d.e.m.o.k.r.a.c.y.
Reading the content by looking out the window gives a truth that is bigger and more correct than the misleading words we are fed with where one systematically blames the other!
Maybe it’s time to open those beautiful eyes.
To rule is to have power and it has never been to the benefit of the common man in our history on mother earth!
Although it is us ordinary people who pay for the party!!!
Is the time perhaps ripe for a ballance in our minds where we dare to trust ourselves!?
* Peace starts with friendship
* Make the world a better place
* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding
* I see evil as undeveloped
I am an Ambassador for RNS – the National Union of Stations: A Narcotic-Free Society
Magnus Rosén – Ambassador for Green Cross
P.e.a.c.e on Mother Earth
I am an Ambassador for RSK national association stop men’s violence against women
I am an Ambassador for an attempt at spiritual maturity
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