Let me Lestertain you! Dregen, Patrik Arve och Magnus Rosén gästar Konserthuset i Göteborg torsdag den 27 feb på Lester is More Comedy show! Biljetter på www.gso.se Direkt till biljetterna https://www.gso.se/program/konserter/let-me-lestertain-you-helgalen-hyllning-till-dregen/ EN GIVANDE HUMORSHOW MOT MOBBNING Gäster: Dregen (Backyard Babies, Hellacopters) Patrik Arve (Teddyberars Sthlm) Magnus Rosén (Autumn’s Child, ex-Hammerfall) Bered dig på en skrattfest utan like…

My lectures!
This wonderful cultural Tuesday in Lilla Edets Kulturhus. The morning started with a lecture for schoolchildren in Lilla Edet, radio P4 was there and Ale kuriren. The best and finest schoolchildren listened to my lecture Dreams Visions and Faith in the Future. They give me faith in the future👉🙏 At 6:30 pm I gave another…

Our World!!!
I do not follow any parties, nor any particular politicians or empty ideologies. Instead, I follow actions that are healthy for a safe, healthy and equal society and thereby demonstrate a true ideology. I support wise and wise executives that are clear, fair and transparent within the framework of human rights. Respect and admire bridge…

Bai bang in Switzerland
There was also a little bass solo yesterday at our Bai Bang concert in Switzerland 🇨🇭 which was a bit fun. Filmed by Michi Sixx! 👉🙏 Magnus I am an Ambassador for RNS – National Association for Drug-Free Societyhttps://www.rns.se Magnus Rosén – Ambassador for Green CrossP.e.a.c.e on Mother EarthGreen-Cross www.green-cross.se I am an Ambassador for…

The magic world
This is just a utopia!A society that can only be possible if we look through today’s patterns in the Western world. What is happening in Sweden is also happening in Europe and the USA.Interesting that the content of the playing field is so similar in these different countries. Thinking that politics has created a platform…

Our magic world
The world needs peace!Respect for everyone’s sovereignty! Large and small countries have an equal right to exist in a civilized world!!! We are different as people, we have different cultures which gives us diversity. Inspiring others by making good human choices ourselves gives change a right face. Wisdom and prudence are a divine gift and…

Välkommen till Kultur-tisdagen
Välkommen !!! Drömmar visioner och framtidstro👉❤️ Boka din gratisbiljett: https://billetto.se/e/kulturtisdag-med-forfattaren-och-musikern-magnus-rosen-biljetter-1115019?bref=eyJzIjoiYmlsbGV0dG8iLCJtIjoiYmlsbGV0dG8iLCJjIjoiZmluZCIsImNvIjoiM1NFIiwidCI6MTczODc2NjQ5N30%3D Magnus * Peace starts with friendship * Make the world a better place * Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding * I see evil as undeveloped Jag är Ambassadör för RNS – Riksförbundet Narkotikafritt Samhälle Magnus Rosén – Ambassador for Green Cross P.e.a.c.e on Mother Earth Green-Cross www.green-cross.se Jag…

Föreläsning med Magnus Rosén
På tisdag förmiddag den 18 feb är jag inbjuden till Lilla Edets grundskola med min föreläsning: Drömmar Visioner och Framtidstro!!! Senare denna dagen kl 18.30 öppnar vi upp för allmänheten för den som har lust att gå på denna föreläsning: boka din gratisbiljett och plats: https://billetto.se/e/kulturtisdag-med-forfattaren-och-musikern-magnus-rosen-biljetter-1115019?bref=eyJzIjoiYmlsbGV0dG8iLCJtIjoiYmlsbGV0dG8iLCJjIjoiZmluZCIsImNvIjoiM1NFIiwidCI6MTczODc2NjQ5N30%3D Att värna och inte underskatta inspirationen och lustens enorma styra…

Bai Bang to Switzerland
Today we did the last rehearsal in Helsingborg with Bai Bang before our concert in Switzerland on Saturday.Yeeeeeeeeeeeee! It’s time to rock the world again. We have also received new shirts for those who are interested. * Peace begins with friendship* Make the world a better place* Love, p.e.a.c.e & understanding* I see evil as…

The Castle!
Next time I stand here at the castle it will be with a Tuxedo, colorful boots and a bass instrument 😉 Magnus I am an Ambassador for RNS – National Association for Drug-Free Societyhttps://www.rns.se Magnus Rosén – Ambassador for Green CrossP.e.a.c.e on Mother EarthGreen-Cross www.green-cross.se I am an Ambassador for RSK National Association for Stopping…