Bai Bang

Bai Bang in the air –South American show!Now on Wednesday!!!Yiiiiiiiieieieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee👉🤘❤️Link: Magnus * Peace starts with friendship* Make the world a better place* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding* I see evil as undeveloped @leon.gomezofficial @paraiso_modular @grafiasmusic @ayestproducciones @followers @all @everyone #bahiarock @followers #baibang #radio #southamerica#chalmerstekniskahögskola #lecture #lectures #argentina#allfollowers #avelibooks #alibris #basenimitthjärta #ebs #baibang #thebassinmyheary#proudandjoy #lillynails #magnusrosen…



To respect other people is to give space and place for the other’s privacy. To take a step back to feel if you yourself are invited to express your own opinion.Only there does communication work.It’s called civilized. If this respect for each other is not present, it is easy for the destructive and negative spiral…


Kärra krog dec 6Raffes på Tuve torg den 7 Zenny Gram & Magnus RosenGod mat och Live musik! Hjärtligt välkommen Magnus * Peace starts with friendship* Make the world a better place* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding* I see evil as undeveloped @followers @all @everyone #bahiarock @följare #baibang #kärrakrog #raffes#chalmerstekniskahögskola#e #föreläsning #lectures #argentina#allfollowers #avelibooks #alibris…

The bass of my heart

Söndagen den 8 december kl 15.00 Fira tillsammans med oss under en magisk eftermiddag fylld av musik, berättelser och julens härligaste smaker. Vi kombinerar bokrelease med möjligheten att boka in dig på ett klassiskt julbord och samtidigt köpa årets julklapp – en signerad kopia av ”The Bass of My Heart”! Avelibooks: Det var ett otroligt…


Green Cross!

Yesterday I was elected to the board of Green Cross – a peaceful organization for nature, animals and people! Yes peace ☮️ and so also war exists due to human choice! It is only us Earthlings who can control this balance through empathy, understanding and love or as ungifted as hatred, condemnation or fear…


The nice wonderful human on this Earth !👉❤️ It’s probably time to open those beautiful eyes! This symbol means a nuclear weapon free zone!To care is to take a stand! That’s why I support Green Cross, which is a peace organization!!! * Peace starts with friendship* Make the world a better place* Love, p.e.a.c.e &…


Green Cross den 28 nov! Make the world a better place! Hjärtligt välkommen kl 17.00Hagåkersgatan 6 MölndalFör mer info se länken: Magnus * Peace starts with friendship* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding* I see evil as undeveloped* Peace is sustainability and long-term for humans, animals and natureWar is idiocy at the highest level supported by unquestioning…

Bai Bang

See you in Switzerland on Saturday, February 15, 2025 if you have the roads by. Its time to rock the world again. For mor info:



If anyone is interested, the interview I just did with Isao Rock from Argentina is at the link: Trying to make myself understood in foreign language!🥳 Thank you for this hour 👉🙏❤️🤘. Magnus * Peace starts with friendship* Make the world a better place* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding* I see evil as undeveloped I am…

Interview to day!

Today at 15.00 pm Swedish time there will be an interview with an Argentinian rock journalist@magnusrosenofficial@bierkcopproduccionesArgentine time it will be at 11 am. Image: Bai Bang on tour in Argentina. Magnus * Peace starts with friendship* Make the world a better place* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding* I see evil as undeveloped I am an Ambassador…

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