Few question about life and our world!
To question is to try to understand!
What did the world look like about 4000 years ago and further back when the pyramids and the divinely beautiful temples were built?
With a big perspective, you can perhaps see movements (the common thread) in history that are connected to today’s power perfection?!
What is power versus love?
I’m not saying I’m right, I don’t want to make a statement or claim anything, but I’m just thinking about what the answers might look like when you question.
If we start with love, religion and the Annunaki in a world with many layers of scenery, draperies and illusions.
Before you just listen 👂 to voices, that is, sounds from devices or people, it makes sense to relate claims to reality. One thing is certain and that is that those who seek it will find!
We know that humans, yes those with dark souls, those who are undeveloped in empathy, love, respect and peace.
Those who can send people off to war, even though they themselves do not participate.
They can do very devilish things to the genuine nice person who sometimes forgets to question.
Yes, one wonders what man was like 3000 years ago Before Religion arose, as this feels diffuse???
As far as we know, the natural people have a very loving relationship with mother earth with respect, understanding and care. A spiritual relationship to the miracle of life.
This feels very healthy, at least in my opinion.
That there have been undeveloped people who act through evil is one thing, but what is happening in the modern world is devilish.
It is as if we are several species here on earth when we look at the inside of us humans.
The destructive species and the loving species.
Isn’t it time to use our own reason
and respond to reason and care where we don’t oppress some to give benefits to others.
It is probably time to open our beautiful eyes so that we have a safe and beautiful world.
Feel in your heart with love, not fear.
Now a leap to ancient times.
According to the ancient scriptures, the Anunnaki were last on Earth 700 years BC
( Who knows if this is true or not? )
If you know more about this, please share in the answer field. 👉🙏
It says in ancient scriptures that some of the Annunaki remained, good or evil?
If you are not good, it is easy to want to rule and master others, we recognize that from humans.
How do you rule over a people, well through fear and faith.
900 years BC the Old Testament was written, which is the foundation of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
So the question is who wrote the Old Testament and what did they want to achieve?
Was it out of love that the testaments were written or ?
After all, there are 5 world regions, 2 of which may not be so dominant when it comes to ruling!
Hear are they in order of size.
Hinduism which is a little more than 4000 years old, Buddhism arose between 300 to 500 years BC Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Interesting that 3000-4000 years ago was the cradle of gods and religions!
So why did the gods appear then and not 200,000 years ago when homosapien arose in the world?
And how did homosapien arise, unlike Neanderthals, etc.?
If the story of the Annunaki is true, they were here in this very age. And according to some scriptures, they enslaved humans long before that.
True or not, power is a very dangerous and destructive lure in small and large ways.
I have read that about 70 to 80 Bibles were written in different versions before the New Testament, the Quran and the Tanakh, which is the Jewish Bible, were written.
Was it just a coincidence or were texts tested that could work for humans?
The first Testament was a governing and perhaps judgmental text. A bit strange when you talk about a God of love.
As everyone knows, people also paid taxes to the church. If you think this is right, then everything is as it should be, it became a rich organization if nothing else! Or if you think it feels like an imposed expense, you are entitled to have these opinions too.
But if you did not believe in the right god, things could be a bit difficult for these people.
(Just a repeats, a bit strange approach, you might think, when you talk about a God of love?)
When these 3 world religions come from the same origin of love, it is said, yet they fight with contempt against each other and against others, these 3 religions of love where one should be brothers and sisters.
Where in faith does all the hatred, contempt and condemnation come from?
You can ask yourself which god do you believe in? Is it the God of love or an illusion with horns that you follow.
A faith must be shown through action. Words without action are empty words with an other agenda.
Interesting that this God became visible in text 3 thousand years ago, when modern man ( Homosapien ) is 200,000 years old according to bone fragments that researchers have found.
I don’t want to belittle anyone’s faith as it can be very important, but if it doesn’t bring love and peace to our brothers and sisters on Mother Earth, then it can be healthy to question which God you actually believe in.
For me, it is the miracle of divine life with Mother Earth, Father Sun 🌞 and the completely magical universe that has the building blocks for life.
The power that created and the one that nurtures this miracle through our choices on our planet feels like the divine path.
In the era when the New Testament was written, pieces of history were simultaneously erased when the libraries happened to burn down in Pergamon, Athens, Constantinople and the famous Alexandra Library in Egypt which also had a university with 14,000 students.
Much of the knowledge from the time before the first Testament, i.e. about 3,000 years ago, disappeared except for certain writings that were clearly as well as monuments and ruins / buildings such as the pyramids.
We are still left with question marks that we cannot even explain, for example how certain structures were built!!!
This knowledge is gone, along with probably so much more.
Yes, when you create power, history is usually erased, for example even our own history where no celebration remains from the past.
This is apparently how it works when power is used.
The reason I am digging a little into the past is because our world is more than ”crazy” right now, where people blindly follow someone who says something in a megaphone without questioning or thinking a little for themselves.
It is getting more and more dizzying, so soon we no longer know what is true. And those who question are blamed and silenced.
Isn’t that a wake-up call ringing, one might ask?
Everything should be questioned if we are to understand the world upside down.
The truth can be questioned, but lies cannot.
This needs an explanation, and then I think of our historical roots where right has been turned into wrong and vice versa.
Yes, it is so crazy that you have to think outside the box to try to find this evil that spreads through misleading information.
It cracks and creates a weak society with people who set people against each other even though we are of the same species, brothers and sisters in this world. And even though most of them are nice, kind people who want peace and a secure future, confusion is created that leads to these negative cracking spirals.
A respectful, healthy and secure society is not achieved through problem-solving actions like war. Nor through dictatorships that are created through fear and well-thought-out strategies.
Look at the world and its history and we have many answers!
If you have knowledge about what I am talking about, you are welcome to add your puzzle pieces 🧩 so maybe you can exclude or add to get a clearer picture.
Final words!
To question is to try to understand.
If we don’t understand, the world will be the way it is today!
I believe in creation in the name of love, there are many questions and thoughts.
Sometimes you can ask yourself if there are forces that don’t want us to understand???
Sorry if I step on anyone’s foot, that’s not my intention!
Just want to try to get more clarity👉❤️🙏
P.s I don’t care if I’m right or wrong, it’s not prestige, but what I care about is trying to understand!❤️❤️❤️