Few questions about the past.
Just a thought that flew by with some questions
Did our history burn away in the library of knowledge?
The library in Pergamon, Athens, Constantinople and the famous library of Alexandra in Egypt which also had a university with 14,000 students.
Much of the knowledge from this side of the earth was collected in these places.
Knowledge can become an abuse of power unless man is very developed and good.
47 years before our era, in other words 47 BC. Knowledge burned up in these libraries one by one.
Since we do not have answers to many questions such as the pyramids, certain temples with stone blocks up to 1500 tons that were moved. Perhaps spiritual wisdom, and also an enormously developed beauty when looking at design, architecture, etc. In this very time about 2000 years ago, perhaps the answer to this and much else in history burned down.
So the question is: Did the documents burn down according to a plan for the perfection of power, or was it just a coincidence / accident?
Yes, you can ask yourself, even today there is a lot of secrecy that goes hand in hand with power.
Just after that came the New Testament, where documents from the Dead Sea Scrolls were used that did not burn down in the libraries. This writing became a guideline until today.
Could it be that more documents never burned down but were moved before the fires? Perhaps there is some knowledge left about history and the origin of man that we do not have access to today, something that you can ask yourself.
And if that was the case, where could this historical knowledge possibly be found?, Maybe in the Vatican?
There is a huge library there that should have been digitized so everyone could have access to our history.
No one should be able to own our history?!
But that is not the case, all these documents are not available to the public, well, it is easy to ask yourself, why!?
In short, power and money are a temptation that many souls find difficult to resist.
To this day, we see power blocs that erase history through the destruction of old symbols and information.
This destructiveness belongs to the rhetoric of the devil to rule over man.
The keys to understanding lie of course in the question.
And questioning is the only possibility not to be deceived by the dark forces here on mother earth.
Censoring the questioning or silencing someone’s question is the power of darkness, so also to twist and modulate the truth for one’s own gain.
To a certain extent, one can locate oneself in what the structure / thicket looks like by carrying certain thought tiles with them through life’s adventures. Example of trying to see with perspective, to use questioning instead of just following blindly.
Knowledge sets the focus and understanding why things are the way they are.
P.s. if you have your own thoughts or knowledge on this subject, it would be interesting if you filled in with your puzzle pieces?!
- Peace starts with friendship
- Make the world a better place
- Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding
- I see evil as undeveloped
I am an Ambassador for RNS – National Association for a Drug-Free Society
Magnus Rosén – Ambassador for Green Cross
P.e.a.c.e on Mother Earth
Green-Cross www.green-cross.se
I am an Ambassador for RSK National Association for Stopping Men’s Violence Against Women
I am an Ambassador for an attempt at spiritual maturity
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