Just a thought
Imagine if we were born into some kind of illusion.
Here we may confess the light or the lure of darkness.
Here we are constantly faced with a choice between these 2 sides in different shades.
Love or dark egoism!
Seeking understanding or condemnation and hatred.
All this shows our true face and who we really are with our choices!
But without the tools of reason, of course things can go wrong, and this is where the light can help each other.
But nothing is obvious as the free choices require responsibility towards oneself and others.
Balancing between the light of love or the destructive soul eclipse of darkness requires instincts and predictions.
All the while, we then have the opportunity to mature and find the right course during the journey.
Being afraid is not so brilliantly beautiful but sad and sad, but managing to be upright and responsible, true and loving is dazzling and sparkling.
The story and the adventure about life gave us some clues before this step.
The fairy tales we were told when we were children, about elves and goblins, devils and angels, etc.
The story of man’s development and fall.
This is available to anyone who can read and listen.
Here are the clues to the conclusion to be able to shine and dazzle, to give inspiration and strength that is contagious through understanding and caring.
To find the real values that make it possible to one day move on from this labyrinth between darkness and light.
Who knows, life may not be in ”one” way but in many ways at the same time.
The different dimensions in our minds see and value different values. We are so different but exist on the same planet. 🌍
Perhaps through our free will and choice we choose our destinies!
The dark souls end up where they belong and the light finds its home in eternity.
No one knows, but we do know one thing and that is that all our differences must have a place in our society as we all humans have the right to live on mother earth.
Some value mammon the most and others value freedom without extra ownership.
This takes place under the same roof within human rights.
And having news that is only objective gives room to interpret according to the person you are.
It is part of a free society.
A mammon-obsessed person can live side by side with an outdoor person, although they may not share values.
We don’t have to oppose and judge each other’s differences.
Society must make room for all of us in a civilized civilization where man always comes before mammon, where consideration and respect is also great for animals and nature.
An intelligent, healthy and loving society where diversity has a place, where these frameworks are clear.
A crackling and judgmental society is a society in decline.
As Martin Luther King said.
It is not the evil people who are the great danger but the silent mass.
If you work in the elected sector, all distortion of the truth should be prohibited.
In the different directions of politics, all politics should make room for all people, never create exclusion that cracks.
Without strengthening and preserving diversity.
It creates a healthy society.
* Peace starts with friendship
* Make the world a better place
* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding
* I see evil as undeveloped
I am an Ambassador for RNS – the National Union of Stations: A Narcotic-Free Society
Magnus Rosén – Ambassador for Green Cross
P.e.a.c.e on Mother Earth
Green-Cross www.green-cross.se
I am an Ambassador for RSK national association stop men’s violence against women
I am an Ambassador for an attempt at spiritual maturity
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