For quite a few years I have reflected and tried to understand our existence and so also society.
That things can be difficult to understand in the social structure I am now beginning to understand as other purposes may be underlying in the lower layers of the problems in the Riksdag Theater.
So my conclusion for my own part with my choices in life is: That the truth should be a guideline. To understand what is true, sometimes a key word is needed and that is “questioning”
The truth as I see it paves the way for long-termism, sustainability and justice!
A good balance indicator for a healthy consciousness is that no human being has more or less right to Mother Earth here out in space.
Everything else is ignorance or has the misleading intentions of darkness!!!!
Rich and poor, powerful or a follower, yes we all stand before the miracles and wonders of life.
And here in this magic we determine the color of our souls. This is where our inner face is revealed through our choices that speak of who we are and how far we have come in our spiritual maturity.
We face conditions in life with problems that differ from each other in small and large ways.
It is precisely on this platform that we all have the opportunity to take our steps or give up or not care.
Gods or illusions, yes, it may turn out one day.
But the core of it all must, after all, be a faith that does not create oppression and diminishes as this becomes power perfection and power tools on the psychological plane.
God in love and light where truth prepares the way and the lust for life is affirmed in absolute transparency.
With or without reward along the path of the heart.
* Peace starts with friendship
* Make the world a better place
* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding
* I see evil as undeveloped
Jag är Ambassadör för RNS – Riksförbundet Narkotikafritt Samhälle
Magnus Rosén – Ambassador for Green Cross
P.e.a.c.e on Mother Earth
Jag är Ambassadör för RSK riksförbundet stoppa mäns våld mot kvinnor
Jag är Ambassadör för ett försök till en själslig mognad
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