Our World
Is there something hidden behind the doomsday rhetoric?
All of us, well in any case almost all of us, wish for a clean and beautiful planet for humans, animals and nature.
Regarding doomsday rhetoric, there are different points of view that can be difficult to understand!
Not understanding creates fears, therefore it is important to be able to reason without silencing each other. We all want a nice world to live in.
Today, many people know that you can make money because of the fears of us humans. (see the 8 ruler techniques)
If the doomsday prophecies were plain truths, we probably wouldn’t have had supporting w.a.r as one of many examples.
If something is dangerous to the environment, it is precisely these so-called problem-solving ideas and fixations to set things right with death.
But was it about saving the world, which is said to be so fragile these days?!
We know that the red threads of power are usually hidden and justified with arguments that create public opinion. A deceptive theater 🎭 it can feel like.
To dare to question is not to distort the truth!!!
But silencing those who question automatically become pawns in a game where you distort the truth and thus become complicit in the propaganda that has its roots in the absoluteness of power.
It might be good to remember in this psychological maze we call reality.
No one wants to misunderstand, but only to understand!
So whose perspective do we get to share and is there a winner in this doomsday rhetoric.
These questions can feel confusing and upsetting but also give hope and the opportunity to be able to understand.
Peace is created by prudence, wisdom and love, the other business we have to say no to, as I see it.
Then the people are winners, our brothers and sisters around our planet. We who are 8.1 billion people. 👉❤️🙏
The future is created by love or fear.
So it is a question of what platform our civilization will develop on.
No Hard Feelings, just want to understand!
* Peace starts with friendship
* Make the world a better place
* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding
* I see evil as undeveloped
I am an Ambassador for RNS – the National Union of Stations: A Narcotic-Free Society
Magnus Rosén – Ambassador for Green Cross
P.e.a.c.e on Mother Earth
Green-Cross www.green-cross.se
I am an Ambassador for RSK national association stop men’s violence against women
I am an Ambassador for an attempt at spiritual maturity
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