Sveriges nationaldag!
Ett sving för vår vackra och fina Nationaldag! Något att vara stolt över!!!! Precis lika stolta som andra nationer är över sina nationaldagar 👉❤️🤠 Var rädd om vårt vackra Sverige!!! Magnus Make the world a better place Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding Questions0 give knowledge Free s.p.e.e.c.h gives a F.r.e.e World. Peace starts with friendship
Ang EU Valet
Ang EU valet! Den första frågan jag ställer mig är så klart vad som händer utanför min egen dörr. Har det blivit bättre, tryggare, mindre våld, bättre skola, bättre sjukvård, billiga matpriser, inga hemlösa, frågan ang fattigpensionärerna är detta löst o.s.vNär jag svarar mig själv på detta vet jag precis vad jag skall rösta på…
Magnus Rosén
Acting like a Street fighting and smiling man – for a more positive and peaceful world. Togheter with the news paper Tillit – Only good positive news! Street fighting man with Magnus Rosén band. A Rolling Stones cover _ Magnus. Make the world a better place Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding Questions0 give knowledge Free…
Few words!
94-year-old Clint Estwood is ” telling ”Dont not look for luxury in watches or bracelets, do not look for luxury in forks or sails. Luxury is laughter and friends, luxury is rain on your face, luxury is hugs and kisses. Don´t look for luxury in shops, don´t look for it in gifts, dont look for…
Life is magic!
A little earth angel and the magical spiritual book of life! The little earth angel told man that life is an exposure and a reflection of our inner self? With our choices in life, we automatically write our own history book. Like a farmer planting his seeds. But as in this case, the seeds are…
The Voice of Black Sabbath
Tony Martin – The Voice of Black Sabbath for 10 years New releases with a Black Sabbath box!Tony Iommi & Tony Martin Im so happy for Tony! This album,s been gone from the music shops many years now!But now they are back! 👉❤️🤘. Your flag has been raised best Tony Martin Just some…