Mikael & Magnus
Mikael Erlandsson & Magnus Rosén I går fick vi absolut bästa 👉❤️ publiken på Mamas restaurang / Marstrand.I dag kör vi igen mellan kl 15.00-18.00 ( juli 6 ) Stay Free!!! Magnus * Peace starts with friendship* Make the world a better place* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding* I see evil as undeveloped Jag är Ambassadör…
Mother Earth
Its a force that destroy our world in front of our eyes, and many of us dont even ask a questions?They use doomsday prophecy and power perfection to succeed. But its also something that is called love,which is a savior that makes you want to question and shine a light on these dark actions that…
Mamas Restaurang på MarstrandKl 15.00-18.00 den 5 och 6 juli 👉❤️👌 Vad sägs om en eftermiddag därMikael Erlandsson & Magnus Rosén bjuder upp med live musik a la Rammstein, Depeche Mode, Lady Gaga, Queen, Judas Priest plus mycket mer! Hjärtligt välkomna Magnus * Peace starts with friendship* Make the world a better place* Love, p.e.a.c.e…
Just think and observe !
Yes, many of you have probably noticed that there are major conflicts in today’s society regarding different perceptions of reality. I think it’s good to be aware and a little curious about the different perspectives. If you feel unsure where you stand, questioning is key. Here is a nice text I received that seems like…
Mikael & Magnus
Mikael Erlandsson & Magnus Rosén bjuder upp på Mamas Restaurang mellan kl 15.00-18.005 och 6 juli på Marstrand.👉❤️👌. Vad sägs om Rammstein, Depeche Mode, Lady Gaga plus mycket mer! Magnus * Peace starts with friendship* Make the world a better place* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding* I see evil as undeveloped Jag är Ambassadör för RNS…
A wonderful world!
Thinking of our wonderful mother earth where all the ingredients for the possibility of life are found. Maybe it’s time to open those beautiful eyes. 👉❤️🙏 I don’t care if you’re smart or not. Nor if you are black, white, yellow or red. I don’t care if you are man, woman or an Alien, if…