
A music video that will wake you up!
Had tears this morning when I saw this music video with deceived people! Yes, many of us have said yes to the a s.y.s.t.e.m. that we think cares and saves us humans.But maybe it’s the other way around, that the the real t.h.r.e.a.tUnfortunately, it is far too easy for us to make our decisions…

On our own road in life and then home.
A little text that came out of nowhere last night. Life sorts our souls so that we end up in the shadow or in the lightIn mountains or valleys in pits or large halls When the beat of the wings makes the air vibrate and the feeling of peace gets you calibrated.That your path choices created…

3 vänner !!!!!Nikolas Gialtrinos GrekenHelge Hanssen NorskenMagnus Rosén Svensken Lirar i morgon fredag mellan 22.00-01.00 på Byns Bistro på 3e Långgatan Göteborg Hjärtligt välkommen! Make the world a better placeLove, p.e.a.c.e & UnderstandingQuestions give knowledgeFree s.p.e.e.c.h gives a F.r.e.e World.Magnus Rosen – Ambassador for Green Cross P.e.a.c.e on Mother EarthGreen-Cross @followers @all @everyone…

My book in English!
Now there will be a book release with the English version of my book”The Base in My Heart” in May or June 2024. For those who are interested, the English version of the book can be pre-ordered at www.avelibooks.seSo also the Swedish version.If you want a signed copy, just let us know. The Swedish version…

This precious time room!
My little best mom!We sit and have coffee by the pond in Guldheden.Talking about life and its miracles! Am happy for every day the opportunity exists to be able to spend a moment.The unstoppable dimension of time carries us through life through hills and valleys with our faithful companion ticking by our side through our…

Just a Question
I have 2 short questions for you who nominated yourself! 1. When you as a p.o.l.i.t.c.i.a.n look for voters, do you trigger the belligerence and hatred within us or the p.e.a.c:e love, understanding and safe society? Ask yourself then appoint yourself as a representative of the people and society !!! 2. Have you thought about…