
Green Cross
My love for mother Earth! Yesterday we had a board meeting with Green Cross which is a p.e.a.c.e organization for us who live on mother earth. If you wish to support and become a member to fight / support for a healthy world, there is, among other things, You are very welcome 👉❤️ to become…

Do you see the pictures in this words?
Someone might wonder why I write so much about our s.o.c.i.e.t.y It’s because I care and because I believe in the good person. My points after certain letters are because Meta’s / fb , Instagram etc. their a.l.g.o.r.i.t.h.m. c.e.n.s.o.r.s.h.i.p messages about, among other things, p.e.a.c.e and i.n.j.u.s.t.i.c.e in the world. With the points, they still…

Bai Bang Live
Höganäs bryggeri presenterar 27 april Flera goda nyheter Vår 80-tals kväll får ytterligare ett magiskt tillskott, med ett band som faktiskt spelat sedan själva 80 talet, och som fortfarande släpper sprillans nya plattor med samma ös! Vi pratar så klart om ingen mindre än Bai Bang!! Grabbarna är en självklar pusselbit i vår neondränkta, hårspejade 80-tals…

Mother Earth
The way of love or fear. Is reality a kind of riddle that needs to be solved to find the way to truth and love? A road with many dangerous pitfalls but also incredibly beautiful and beautiful! Heaven or hell depending on the path chosen, all on this magical mother earth. The world contracts and…

Video making for Africa
We just filmed at a wonderful power location. Mikael & Magnus make a music video with the African song ”My wedding day” which will be released in Nigeria shortly with BJ Sam! Wish you a good day 👉❤️ —— The earth is not an evil place, but the actions of some people are evil and…