When I wake up in the morning in my enchanted forest, new opportunities have been given.
Trying to feel what I really think and want.
I have the opportunity to change my thinking to find new ways. Since every choice has a consequence on this earth, the changes become like chain reactions and thus everything that it means.
But at the same time never try to change someone else.
But I have every right to change myself.
Everything you do creates invisible rings like on the water when you throw a stone.
Domino effects are formed and new doors are opened or closed.
Trying your hand at just rerouting the synapses in your head can create bigger changes than you might think.
People are usually cast in a fixed form, but daring to see and understand can give new beautiful curves in one’s silhouette, which thereby gives new views and choices.
In front of yourself, you can make your choices with examples: Listen to what is right in your heart without adapting to the heart of others and their expectations of yourself.
Big changes can happen by choosing healthy or nutrient-poor food, taking in negative or positive news, giving of oneself to those in need with healthy strong minds, or perhaps collecting dead things in the belief that this confirms than oneself, etc. I the choices are endless.
To dare to be who you really are, to dare to lose friendships but at the same time gain new friendships.
To be liked for who you are, instead of being liked with the expectations placed on you.
This usually becomes just a shell where you yourself fall outside.
In the end, it’s probably about respecting yourself with all that that means. Then you can also respect others.
Anything that works against this respect should be reviewed and perhaps eliminated. Only then do we have the opportunity to blossom into the beautiful person we really are!
And thus have the opportunity to be liked precisely for who we are.
It’s the difference between living in the shadow or the light.
* Peace starts with friendship
* Make the world a better place
* Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding
* I see evil as undeveloped
I am an Ambassador for RNS – the National Union of Stations: A Narcotic-Free Society
Magnus Rosén – Ambassador for Green Cross
P.e.a.c.e on Mother Earth
I am an Ambassador for RSK national association stop men’s violence against women
I am an Ambassador for an attempt at spiritual maturity
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