
Life is like a riddle that has roses and thorns, t.r.u.t.h.s and l.i.e.s that can constantly twist our minds to the light or the dark! Blessed is he who listens to his heart and follows the path of love and not fear 🙏🙌❤️ Perhaps this is finally part of the simple answer to the riddle?!…

Bai Bang
Yeeeeeeeeeeeee when does the countdown to England start.HRH UK Rock Festival with i.a. Quit Riot, Madam x, Bai Bang and many more this 3 day festival7-8-9 March 2024 The rock’s sail must be hoisted with the rock flag of freedom at the top! Its time to Rock 👉❤️🤘 Magnus Rosen – Ambassador for Green CrossP.e.a.c.e…

Mikael & Magnus
Mikael Erlandsson & Magnus Rosén! We Will Rock in Stenkullen tonight Make the world a better placeLove, p.e.a.c.e & UnderstandingQuestions give knowledgeFree s.p.e.e.c.h gives a F.r.e.e World @followers @all @everyone #mikaelerlandsson @följare #baibang #sverigesriksdag #nyheterna#allfollowers #avelibooks #alibris #hammerfall #wackenopenair #basenimitthjärta #ebs #greencross#prideandjoy #magnusrosen#magnusrosen #ebs #factorbasses #hardrock#rock #rockmusic #glamrock

Rock Flag
Oscar Dronjak & Magnus RosénHoisted the Rock flag in 2005 at Wacken open air!And there at the top it has been hanging ever since!In out and out in downwind and upwind.Once a rocker always a rocker! Wacken open air live: For me, rock’s flag means / symbolizes freedom, to say what you think and…

Green Cross
My love for mother Earth! Yesterday we had a board meeting with Green Cross which is a p.e.a.c.e organization for us who live on mother earth. If you wish to support and become a member to fight / support for a healthy world, there is, among other things, You are very welcome 👉❤️ to become…

Do you see the pictures in this words?
Someone might wonder why I write so much about our s.o.c.i.e.t.y It’s because I care and because I believe in the good person. My points after certain letters are because Meta’s / fb , Instagram etc. their a.l.g.o.r.i.t.h.m. c.e.n.s.o.r.s.h.i.p messages about, among other things, p.e.a.c.e and i.n.j.u.s.t.i.c.e in the world. With the points, they still…