
Bai Bang
Sitting in the car before today’s rep with Bai Bang! Next week there will be a Festival in England 👉❤️🤘. Wish you a nice weekend !!! Make the world a better placeLove, p.e.a.c.e & UnderstandingQuestions give knowledgeFree s.p.e.e.c.h gives a F.r.e.e World. Magnus Rosen – Ambassador for Green CrossP.e.a.c.e on Mother Earth Sitting in the…

Make good things happen!
Then we have eased anchor towards the future with more culture and music on beautiful Tjörn. Niklas Gadd and I are planning a recurring festival in Rönnäng with the fishing brothers and with Tjörn municipality.Everything is not quite in port but the compass is set. 2024 will be our start with a smaller event where…

The riders
The riders of fear are the most dangerous!!!! They don’t question reality, they just follow their fear into the rigged m.a.n.i.p.u.l.a.t.e.d trap with h.a.t.e on their flag and at the same time try to bring as many as possible with them. It turns out time and time again that fear is the greatest tool of…

M.R.B The future will be what we say yes or no to! Wisdom, prudence and clairvoyance should not be underestimated. Make the world a better place Love, p.e.a.c.e & Understanding Questions give knowledge Free s.p.e.e.c.h gives a F.r.e.e World. Magnus Rosen – Ambassador for Green Cross P.e.a.c.e on Mother Earth Green-Cross…

Peace talk on Global TV
Today we had some discussions about a world at peace:Live on International Global TV – New York.To discuss with respect and objectivity is to build bridges and create understanding, something that sadly shines with its absence in the daily media. It is probably time to open those beautiful eyes to the construction of a civilization…

M.R.B We are brothers and sisters on this planet far out in an endless universe. The essential differences between us humans are not in the color of our skin but in the shade we have in our soul. Good or E.V.I.L !!! Its time to open your beautiful eyesPerfection of p.o.w.e.r is not = good!!!But…