
Happy new Year 2025 China

Happy New Year 2025 Beautiful China 🇨🇳 and its people.Such an exciting country with a culture that has been preserved for thousands of years! After 14 visits, I can say that this is one of the few countries that I could imagine staying in for a longer period of time. Magnus I am an Ambassador…

Me and my mother

My little mother and I have made the city. First there was an exhibition where her friend Gerd Ekdal exhibited. Then we drove to Café Marmelad, my friend Nikolas Gialtrinos’ café on Mariaplan. There we had the best moussaka with salad, semla and coffee. Suddenly Nikolas picked up his 70-year-old Bouzoukio and played some songs…


Are you in this club?

Don’t want to sound boastful, but you’re in the 10,000 meter club See link proof: In other words, the rocking 10,000 meter club.I don’t know if I’m in this club myself, but if there are others, you’re welcome. It’s the superman statement, wink wink. Just kidding. Magnus * Peace starts with friendship* Make the world…

Peace or War!?

The difference between war and peace is the magic words:Love, respect, generosity and understanding.Something that is apparently a premium for many people!!! What creates war is greed, the lust for power perfection, the bewitchment of mammon and above all idiocy! !! Maybe it’s time to take the blade out of the mouth and fight this…

Magnus Rosén – Kultur Tisdag

Magnus Rosén på Kultur-tisdag / Lilla Edet’s Kulturhus den 18 feb kl 18.00 Annorlunda musik på el bas, funderingar kring författarskapet, samt utmaningar fyllt av drömmar visioner och framtidstro! Jag kommer också ha min bok till försäljning samt signering om så önskas  Mot framtiden med lust och hopp! Hjärtligt välkommen. Magnus  * Peace starts with…

What’s going on in the world?

Do our elected politicians want peace in Ukraine and the Middle East at all costs. 🇺🇦 Yes, you can believe and hope for that🙏! But there are indications among some Western politicians who preach the opposite. War-loving illusionists! ”I really hope I’m wrong!!!👉🙏” Peace is not created with weapons but only with peacekeeping efforts! It…


Jörgen Alnevall, Jens Ericsson, Ulf Edelbrant, Magnus Rosén
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